我爸爸說是他往後要做日本 不動產 投資呢,我當時還很驚訝,想著爸爸在國內的事業做得好好地,為什麼又要開始做日本 不動產 投資呢,於是爸爸就給我說是這幾年日本的不動產這一行業很景氣,所以他要是從現在開始就做日本 不動產 投資的話,那麼用不了多長時間我們家就可以在東京有一套 屬於自己的房子了,因為我一直都對日本這個小國家充滿了好奇心,而且那麼小的國家,經濟竟然是如此的發達,所以我到時候也要去日本看看呢。
osaka hotel
I told my father that I was going to Osaka Hotel internship, Dad heard I had this to Osaka Hotel internship opportunity, let me live, that is if the outstanding performance of the words, then most likely to stay in Osaka Hotel work, but he also don’t have to worry about my work the. At that time I also feel father very upset, I also did not go to Osaka Hotel to go to work, I had to say I should pay attention to the matter, but so to my Osaka Hotel began after the internship, I realized dad have cudgeled one’s brains, in the final analysis, is to let I later will be able to have a good job, so I now is very hard to do a good job in leading to my work, because I want to realize the desire of the father.
kyoto hotel
If you travel to Tokyo, then I suggest you go after or in the Kyoto Hotel is more convenient! This is my over a person’s identity to give some of your suggestions, because I just went with the tourist map at the time of the Tokyo tourist, when our team some people also dislike let us live in Kyoto Hotel, but later want to Is it right? Lived in Kyoto Hotel’s words, we may also visit not so much place, because living in the Kyoto Hotel, the transportation is convenient, don’t waste time on the road every day, and from the Tokyo tourist attractions are relatively close, so this is for all of us but save a lot of money oh!
kenting boutique hotel
A university student went to Taiwan to work there, long time no see, yesterday we met in the Internet, chat a few words. She said now work in a hotel, Kenting Boutique Hotel, or a five star luxury hotel. I’ve heard of Kenting Boutique Hotel, the feeling is very good. She said that when Kenting boutique hotel before going to work, or a little reluctant, because you think you should be able to find a better job, but the family wanted her to exercise in there. Now after such a long time, she has been used to Kenting boutique hotel’s work, also feel good here, where I learned a lot of things.
Ximending accommodation
Listen to the daughter said the travel agency arranged in Ximending accommodation, it seems that the hotel is also very good, so I can rest assured, although before also took him to travel, but this is his own a person to go, really very worried. But he also grew up, want to go out to travel myself, I can’t let him go. And go to Taipei if there is no big problem, the key is the fear of him not to live good or not good to eat, so listen to him to say Ximending accommodation, I can relax a bit, the hotel seems to be better in there too, so the environment should not poor, he lives should be more comfortable.
台北 太陽餅
放學回家之后看到家里的桌子上面有好多吃的東西,我問媽媽那些吃的東西都是誰帶的呀,媽媽說那是舅舅今天下午來我家的時候帶過來的,舅舅前段時間去出差了,回來的時候就給我專門買了台北 太陽餅,說是之前就聽我說什麽時候才能吃到正宗的台北 太陽餅,沒想到舅舅這次去台北出差了,而且回來的時候還能記得給我帶台北 太陽餅呢,媽媽看到我高興的樣子說去洗洗手吃吧,我說好的,我就趕緊去把手一洗就把台北 太陽餅打開吃了起來,味道真得是很好
老公都計畫好了去旅遊的怎麼也不早告訴我呢,這是我給我一個驚喜嗎?哈哈,不管怎麼現在我知道要去澎湖玩,我真的好開心的,而且老公還給我們預定好我了,我最喜歡的澎湖民宿,其實我們剛結婚的度蜜月 的時候我就要去澎湖玩的,可是那會因為工作的原因沒能去成。讓我非常的遺憾的。因為我特別的喜歡澎湖民宿,在澎湖民宿里面有世界經典童話故事-仙履奇緣為發想設計,我早就想和老公一起去了,一直都沒有合適 的機會,現在好了老公都已按排好了一切,就等我們出發了。
Taipei hotel near mrt
This is going to Taipei for a few days, finally a few days off, I want to enjoy the relaxing, so I began to prepare for me to go to Taipei to play, I think go out, must be good hotel prepared in advance, so can let oneself live comfortable, and I heard Taipei hotel near MRT is very good, I in the Taipei hotel near MRT is not very understanding, so I went to the Internet to check, I found that as long as it is lived in people on the Taipei hotel near MRT a good impression, I think since they lived people say good words, it must is wrong, so I was in the Taipei hotel near MRT inside the room reservation, and all ready, I can go to Taipei to play, I was really too happy.
Taipei Japanese restaurant
When the work of the colleague Xiao Yang told me that she is to be going to Taipei Japanese restaurant to eat Japanese cuisine is said to taste good, asked me whether I want to go with her to eat Japanese food, listening to Xiao Yang story I said a long time I did not eat Japanese cuisine with a piece of her go to the Taipei Japanese restaurant to eat Japanese food, Xiao Yang heard me say that they have promised. After work I like Xiao Yang a piece to eat Japanese cuisine, did not think of Xiao Yang introduced this restaurant do Japanese cuisine taste very good, Xiao Yang told me that she was at university to go to Japan for a year that is from that time she would like to eat Japanese food. Hear Xiao Yang said that I was in love when traveling to Japan.