日本 樓

新聞上說有很多投資商人都特別看好日本 樓,我就比較好奇,難道真的這麼賺?結果一上網查了一下匯率,確實日元真的降到了歷史最低,怪不得這麼多人趁著這個時候去日本搞投資。不過日本 樓的話好像也不是很有賺頭吧,聽到我這麼說我的一個朋友就說,日本的市場跟我們這邊不太一樣的,東京大阪那邊的大城市房地產真的非常賺的,就算不是去那邊大型城市買日本 樓的話,去周邊的一些小城市買日本 樓,然後出租出去的話,也能賺不少呢。

日本 買樓

看到這麼多人去日本 買樓我就想不通,日本的樓真的很便宜,隨便就可以買嗎?不過好像確實是這樣,以前一百多萬的房子現在只需要六七十萬就可以買到,當然會有很多人去買了。如果要是日元升上來的話,那這個價格就沒有了。我現在也是打算跟朋友一起合作日本 買樓,因為我自己的話還是拿不出那麼多資金的,剛好我有一個朋友也是打算近期做一個投資的,我就說服他和我一起日本 買樓,現在的話正是價格最低的時候,以後可就不知道會不會有了。

tokyo real estate

Yesterday a friend going to Tokyo, I have been looking for him to go to tea, only yourself. He started the Tokyo real estate from the end of last year, was the project early, but he didn’t do, just start until last year when, as if is because of funding problems. To say that business is really asking for money, even if is a large enterprise, capital is insufficient also cannot do anything. Now my friend goes to Japan should be their company has sufficient development funds, or else go to what. I heard that they Tokyo real estate project is to spend a lot of money.

japan real estate

I before how have never thought Japan real estate? Only to the local market, now to invest in Japan real estate is really good opportunity, I heard that there has been a lot of individual enterprises doing Japan real estate investment. Then immediately began raising money, I also intend to do Japan real estate. I made a few in the local real estate development is also very good, so there are a lot of experience, to do Japan real estate then I think we can, as long as the money enough. But now our company is the time of all-round development, so to bank loans is also very soon run down.


昨天去超市的時候,我就看到有好多人 都是利用背巾把孩子背在背上的,而只有我還是把孩子抱在懷裡的,孩子也熱,我也不舒服,可是我不知道他們身上的漂亮的背巾都是從那裡買的呢,所以我就問一個孩子的媽媽,問他 是在那裡買的背巾呢,他就好心告訴我說是也是在超市買的,超市就有賣的,我一聽那這好啊!我趕緊去超市也給我們家寶貝買一個背巾,這樣的話以後帶她出去我就不會這麼辛苦了,畢竟孩子現在還是有點小。要是抱的不舒服的話也會哭的哦!



Ximending luxury hotel

Remember the last time we went to ximending travel, is really unforgettable. Tourism still want to be with her best friend, so that they can enjoy themselves. We then live in the Ximending luxury hotel, this hotel is very special, like, with your own home is very warm, we all live there don’t want to go. Ximending luxury hotel want to go again. In the future we should still have a chance. To go before we still don’t know Hsimenting there are so good scenery, formerly of Taiwan is not very understanding. If I still have the opportunity to live Ximending luxury hotel. I want to call on a few friends together caixing. There has to be more than we could play.

シンガポール 転職

在這個公司干了有一段時間了,可是我感覺這份工作并不是我理想的工作,于是我就打算シンガポール 転職了,晚上跟朋友在一塊聊天的時候,我就告訴朋友我打算去シンガポール 転職,朋友聽說我要去シンガポール 転職,就說現在去新加坡工作也挺不錯的,說她表妹也是在新加坡工作的,那邊的待遇也挺不錯的,朋友也支持我去新加坡工作,看到朋友那么支持我,我就更加有信心了,我就打算回家跟父母商量一下シンガポール 転職的事情,我相信父母一定會支持我的。

tokyo real estate

A friend called me to say he wanted to go to work Tokyo real estate company, I am very happy to tell he said let him go to ah! After all, now here one month but also can earn money, but went to the Tokyo real estate words, income immediately is now several times, but a friend told me that he is worried that he now go, my ability is not enough ah! I said to him was to make him believe himself, while Tokyo real estate is a big company, however, he now also in other companies for several years on the class, but also very rich experience, so friends stopped my words had decided to try.

japan real estate

Our company’s colleagues told me that our leaders to Japan real estate company on a business trip next month, and go with a man, so I wanted to be when he is on a business trip took me with words that should have much good! So I decided to give leadership to offer one’s own services, because I think my ability in the company is still possible, although not count as one of the very best, but for Japan with real estate company to talk about the project or should be more than sufficient, because in the business field words, talk about business and was good at communication! I have these, so I went, and just leader also is ready to say with me, I am very happy, go home to let the wife gave me pack.