
Children came back from the kindergarten, I opened the bag a look inside a digimon toy, my first reaction is certainly in children with other children’s toys, I am very worried, so I asked him to find children, the children very happy told me this is the gift of his door today for all kindergarten, after I finish listen to also feel incredible, in order to determine the child said is true or not, so I tried to a teacher, the teacher told me that is indeed a kindergarten for children digimon, so I apologize to the child, I should believe him.

japan hotel

朋友說是她有兩張去日本玩的票呢,當時我也還真的是沒有想到,她說是這次工作完成的特別的好,所以公司就獎勵的,而且那個也是可以住在這個japan hotel的,而且也還都是免費的,當時我一聽就真的是太開心了,都沒有想到能去日本玩就不錯了,而且還有免費住的地方呢,但是我們都沒有想到原來這個japan hotel也還真的是很好的,和我以前想的真的是很不一樣的,就真的是很喜歡這次來日本玩的,就想以后能在來這里玩一次就真的是太好了,而且我下次也一定還住在這個japan hotel的。





男扮 女裝

在電視上面看到男扮 女裝的畫面的時候,我都不知道該說什麼好了,因為在我看來我覺得再好看的男人男扮 女裝之後好像都是一種感覺,那就是滑稽,我其實也不喜歡那樣的感覺,但是他們都說你也不需要想那麼多,只要這次我們的節目做好的話,那麼其他都不是問題,其實我覺得我們學校有人做的男扮 女裝的扮相還真的不錯,起碼我們都會覺得很是美麗的那種感覺,有的時候我們在做一件事情的時候,要看看自己到底適合不適合做那件事情,這樣的話你就會有自己的判斷了。



job vacancy

I have been looking for work, the results also did not think I will soon find a job, the reason is because the company recently has the job vacancy, also want to recruit people, which is yet to come and start to do it, I have to interview, so this is just the job vacancy for me, especially this time I also really is job vacancy and I also feel this is special with this, my work is also done better, is really very happy, but the work is now than I did before a lot of good, I also believe that I will always work well here, the job vacancy also was really too good.


Sometimes really envy my cousin to AWS company to work, the AWS company’s reputation in the US but the inside is very good, but the reputation is very good, I feel if before you can go to the AWS company work that is a happy thing, but because of his ability co AWS inside the company before it went to interview a no interview but because he had to give up, now I can only silently envy my cousin in this work, especially when the holidays saw others inside the company made a lot of things I can only be envious, but I believe in my own efforts someday I can go there to work.

婚禮 飯店

弟弟要結婚了,我們全家人都在這件事情忙活著,爸爸媽媽很開心,說是扥我弟弟結完婚之後, 他們的任務也就算完成了,而之後他們也就不用操心我們幾個了,因為我們都成家立業了,而他們也就該享享清福了。於是這次我弟弟的婚禮為了減輕我媽媽的負擔,我就給他們說是給弟弟結婚定婚禮 飯店的錢我付了,剛開始我弟弟一聽我說是要給他們定婚禮 飯店的時候,還不樂意呢,說是不願意給我們添麻煩可是我也沒有想那麼多,也就給他們辦理好了。

