haneda airport transfer

The boss let me go to the airport to our clients, while waiting at the airport to see a lot of car waiting at the airport, I thought for me that wait for anybody else, just know originally behind their work is special haneda airport transfer to do this, there are many more people from abroad, many can’t find the way from airport to hotel, so they are looking for haneda airport transfer such transfers, convenient to send them to such many, very convenient to the tourist season when they receive several trips to the day, now development is also very good, sometimes also chat with the guests, chatted a lot know lots of interesting things, so there will be a lot of interesting things.

5 Star Hotel Taipei

My girlfriend is a chowhound when we’re fine, especially love to travel to Taiwan to taste the delicacy there, a few days ago, my girlfriend and I heard that because 5 Star Hotel near Taipei, there are a lot of very famous delicacy, the shop if you travel to Taiwan not to taste 5 Star Hotel Taipei near I feel like I did not go to Taiwan, friends know this thing after I want to go with him to travel, but to the time when I did not think of the 5 Star Hotel near Taipei that several of the delicacy do is so authentic, since eating the delicacy I feel you don’t want to eat other delicacy, feeling completely and the inside of the delicacy gap is too big.


今天我和我的朋友一起去了香港那裏逛去了,我的朋友在那邊買了一個 wifi蛋,朋友說這個wifi蛋島非常的好用呢,不但上網的速度快,攜帶也是很方便的呢,真的太好了,我也想要一個wifi蛋,我也給自己買了一個wifi蛋,這個wifi蛋真的太好用了,我很喜歡這個wifi蛋,我也給我的閨蜜帶了一個wifi蛋,希望她也喜歡這個wifi蛋,我和我的朋友在香港那裏也是玩的很開心,這個wifi蛋也是很不錯,到了哪里都可以上網,看哪里好玩,我也和我的媽媽視頻了,讓我的媽媽也看看香港這邊。




最近公司要做很多的項目,我也要加班了,每天的工作特別多,我都快忙不過來了,我就想要不在家里租wifi ,這樣我在公司做不完的話可以帶回家里做,這樣我也不用每天在公司加班很晚了,我就這段時間急用,所以還是儘快租wifi ,這樣我也能更好的去進入到工作狀態中,有更多的時間去完成它,所以我就打電話過去給他們說,等一切都問好之后我就可以去讓他們給我裝上,這樣我也能儘快去用了,快點完成手里的工作這樣我也能輕鬆點,最近特別辛苦。



歐洲 sim卡

現在來歐洲也有幾個月了,適應的也差不多了,周邊事物也熟悉了,就是有一樣還沒有辦歐洲 sim卡,沒有換電話卡,現在打電話也不方便,我得趕緊找到辦歐洲 sim卡的地方,把我之前在國內的電話卡換掉,這樣打本地打電話也方便也比較省錢,除了這個其他的都已經辦妥了,也沒什麼可以擔心的了,要開始真正的留學生活,我同學也說週末可以帶我到換電話卡的地方直接給我把電話卡換掉,很感謝她的熱情,有一些幫助自己的同學真好,有依靠,不孤獨。

japan hotel

這次公司想讓我和一個同事過去日本那邊把那里的工作處理下,本來是想讓我一個人過去的,但事情太多了,怕我耽誤時間太長了,就讓我和同事一起過去,公司已經在那邊給我們訂好了japan hotel,我們只要過去就好去japan hotel里休息下,儘快的進入到工作中,讓我們早點完成工作,早點回來公司。于是我倆也就早早回去準備東西了,等收拾好后,明天下午就要飛過去了,我們也和那邊的工作人員交待好了,他們會在機場接我們,給我們安排好那里的一切事項。