Some time ago because I wanted my girlfriend, I will go to Taiwan to see a trip over there girlfriend, at that time in order to give my girlfriend a surprise, also know that I have a girlfriend in the Taipei hotel near MRT in, so I also give myself up for the Taipei hotel near MRT and I booked across my girlfriend’s room that day to go to Taiwan to see my girlfriend to see my girlfriend that happy, I instantly feel then choose to visit my girlfriend here is really right, was also worried about my girlfriend travel outside the living place is not good, but after my own living in Taipei hotel near MRT know that this hotel will be such a good environment.
chinese writing class
We are one family had moved to Singapore, Singapore in life these days, my son is also very love Chinese writing class, looked at his son so interested in Chinese writing class, we are also very happy, really good, we also want to go back to see Chinese, then my son also good and be able to communicate with you again, watching my son grow up, we are also very happy, also in the Chinese writing class son is very outstanding, the son in Chinese language writing contest won the award. These days, the teacher let us go to open the parents meeting, I used to go very far, and now I am willing to go, the Chinese writing class really good.
interior design company in singapore
I have a friend in the interior design company in singapore work inside the company, then heard him going to interior design company in Singapore inside the company work I also dare not believe, because the interior design company in Singapore, but inside the industry one of the best, although I am not engaged in the work of the business but for this interior design company in Singapore company does not know or some, such a famous company even if they do not do this industry is heard, suddenly a friend said he will go to the interior design company in Singapore company which I can’t work so excited, but also special for him feel happy, I also believe that he will make a success of this company.
這幾天我的姐姐一直在書房裏面不出來呢,我就問我的媽媽,姐姐最近怎麼了啊,我的媽媽說你姐姐要英國升學 呢,現在一直忙著學習呢,我看著媽媽說話的樣子,在說我的學習不好的樣子事的,我就問我的媽媽我是不是也能英國升學 呢,我的媽媽說你要是願意,我們肯定也希望你和姐姐一起去英國升學 呢,看著媽媽有點懷疑的樣子呢,不過我感覺我努力一下,還是沒有問題的呢,雖然我的成績不像我的姐姐每次都是前列,不過我還是對自己有信心的呢,這個英國升學 真不錯。